Inspired character and craftsmanship create a cherished heirloom…
For thousands of years, people and cultures around the world have used soapstone for both artistic and utilitarian means. Archaeology tells us the Egyptians and Babylonians carved raised stamps out of soapstone that they would then press into wet clay. In China, soapstone has been used for centuries, as well as ivory and jade for figurines. Vikings hewed soapstone cooking pots that have been discovered around the globe. India and Iran also possess centuries’ old relationships with both raw stone mining as well as the creation of art, buildings and practical daily uses. Finland and Brazil have some of the oldest findings and sculptures dating back to 7000 BC.
Soapstone carving has a history rich in the Inuit (pronounced In-yoo-et) culture.
Though often referred to as ‘Eskimos,’ most native Arctic people call themselves Inuit which means the people. The Inuit live in the northern part of Alaska, Northern Canada, Greenland and parts of Russia. These Arctic areas around the North Pole are some of the coldest regions on Earth.
Inuit ancestors have been carving soapstone since before recorded history. Soapstone sculptures were created to depict history and culture. Many other North American Indians used the stone for cooking pots and pipe bowls.
Today soapstone can be found in kitchen countertops, coasters, fireplace surrounds and our favorite…sculptures!